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Yukko DSTT

$85.00 / On Sale

The Yukko
I call this shape as its pulled from a Deckcrafters Grosso guest model.
Gross = yuck/Grosso = Yukko
Anyway, its a pretty popular shape. My friend Will Foster gets his in and out of tight radii transitions regularly, and its great for big transitions too. Great in ditches as a few friends can attest to.
Plenty of real estate for your feet. With the Texi-Rail top edge, squared topside for a great tactile feel, rounded over topsides at the nose and tail to absorb impacts.
Nigel Tufnel will let you touch this board, he'll even let you look at it

11.00" wide
16.00" wheelbase
Pressed using my deep spoon nosed concave with tritail mold